Thursday, August 5, 2010

How many consultants does it take to pop a bottle of champagne?

Another consultant gets a PPO. This time I-ball decided to snub the guys and pop the champagne to celebrate her success with us. Yayyy we loveee you Ishira! And long live the consultants :)

Anyone who giggles at the cork lines shall be branded forever as a pervert.

The official photographer aka Baldilocks who happens to be a banker and also happens to be an expert in popping champagne bottles decided to stand back and watch the fun as we tried. We all tried our hand at pulling the cork out, mostly in vain. And when it finally did pop, ran helter skelter to stay away from the spewing white foam. Then of course, we all drank to the health our host.

Ishira - She took the first swig as we all cheered on. "Thank you! Hey what happened to my voice??", she squeaked. And after the bottle did a couple of rounds, she finished it bottoms up. She never stopped complaining about her voice. In her frustration, went and started hugging all the pillars on B-first. She found one near the staircase that seemed to be most comfortable and settled there.

Deepthi - First time, she smelled the bottle, wrinkled her nose and passed it on. Second time, very very carefully, she let one drop of the liquor fall into her mouth. Her entire body tensed and she twisted and nearly dropped the bottle. Third time around, she decided to be bold and took a sip. She writhed in pain. She was choking. She put her hand on her throat and groaned, "My stomach! It burns! Someone gimme some water!"

And we took some more pics. Talked about the alcohol content in champagne. We decided the effects wrought on DD and IBall could be explained. Someone suggested the cork be put back in its place. Everybody remembered CCS and dispersed.

DD found her way to the pillar IBall was stuck to and she too settled down there. You may still be able to find them hugging the pillar together when you come up the stairs.

PS: The blog title is a googly. They just cannot.


  1. Hahaha... JLT needs that pic of Iball hugging the pillar. :D

    Btw, suggestion for another blog - how many B-block consultants does it take to finish a bottle of champagne. I expect the PS to remain the same for that blog too :P

  2. @Sunny: I will give the pic to you for free :P Hey the champagne was finished! Your good friend Baldilocks didn't even have to help. We have Iball :D

  3. lol..this one is funny..
    Following this blog..waiting for new posts:)
