Monday, December 14, 2009


The term has finally come to an end. So many little things make these one of the most eventful three-months of my life. And here are some of the highlights - some funny, some profound (ahem) and some outright embarrassing (not just for me).

Caution: There is boring gory detail
Dedication: Shalini Jhall (who wanted it so)
Inspiration: Ishira's post about her life at IIMB (not the graphic one) :-)
Realization: Apparently I've put on weight!
Introspection: It was a great term!
Procrastination: is not the only thief of time (facebook is a strong contender)

1. The "quick" dinner - This is totally embarrassing. Because (I can't imagine how or why I did that) I chose to spend my Friday night doing MPPO project instead of going to B-Flat with some friends. I first said no and thought about how I was missing such a great opportunity. So I said yes and got really jittery about 'all the work'. So I said no again but was devastated. So my EB roomies said we should go out for a quick dinner to Potluck, right opposite the campus gate. So when we entered, I felt an indescribable (for propriety's sake) odor take me by surprise. Don't know why we didn't just leave - we went to the corner-most table and started arguing over who should take the corner-most seat. The couple nearby said that it was not a great table since there was a rat there just a moment ago. The next moment we were back on the beautiful street and a visibly shaken Deepthi was saying, "A rat BIT me once!". We went to Status (also opposite the campus) and ordered veg. manchurian. Shalini, the vegetarian, took the first bite and it turned out to be chicken manchurian. So we took an auto to Adigas (which is also very close to the campus). We requested the waiter for extra 'gun powder' (kaaram podi) which Nutan promptly inhaled. She could effectively not eat anything later. And I don't blame her for ordering banana split in the last minute and declaring, "I don't like banana so much".

2. Unmaad - Pure fun. Was on stage during the Shankar-Esaan-Loy show. Loved painting L^2 (picture). I still have some paint-stained resumes which I was showing around to seniors (one of whom fell asleep while talking to me) for suggestions till 3 am that day :-) Ah, we had put so much fight for the summer placements. Which takes us to the next big event..

3. Summers - The run-up to which made me fall hopelessly in love with all the PGP2s! Everyone had all the time for resume tips, mock interviews and all the inspirational, motivational pep talk :-) I wouldn't call them the best days of my life, what with having to wake up at six everyday for five days in a row. But the follow-up was just awesome! It started with an amazing L^2 party and ended with an entire week of joblessness. And Sailu was with me during the placements. Which brings us to the next point..

4. Sailu - She was with me during the placements and I thought I was going to be so torn between being with her and being at the reception. But she made life so easy for me by blissfully sleeping in my room all day - I would like to believe so, at least. She claims she couldn't sleep but she took forever to open the door when I knocked so I'm happy. And to say that the long girl-talk we had outside the insti library into the wee hours life-changing would be nothing short of an understatement (courtesy Harikumar, MPPO presentation)

5. Snow - I was going to crash one afternoon when Vivek called from Pittsburgh and shouted, "Jyo! It's snowing!"
"Wow Vivek, that's awesome!"
"I know!"
"Ya.. Cool.."
"I don't have anything else to say"
"Me neither"
"Okay then, bye Jyo"
"Bye Vivek"

That just made my day!

6. Group hug - I knocked Deepthi/Shalini's room and Deepthi opened. She looked straight into my eyes. And hugged me. And didn't let go. For a long time. And just when I thought it was getting weird, Nutan came. And looked aghast. "What's going on!?" Deepthi gave her her trademark rabbit smile. And Nutan came closer. And hugged us both from behind. That was the most beautiful group-hug ever. And it was for absolutely no reason.

Looking forward to two weeks of complete joblessness!

PS: I'm making myself a gift for my birthday and it's going to be a surprise for you!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



"I am not going to sleep in today's class."
"You don't sound like that", said Ishira.

I knew my voice gave too much away. I had woken up just a few minutes back. I cleared my throat and said, "But I am NOT going to sleep in today's class. I am going to put CP; I read the case and came."

Still the same voice. I took my water bottle and sipped a little water. "You'll see, I will not sleep today", I whispered just before the class started. I told myself Marketing is my favorite course. And looked at the professor.


I saw Ishira glaring at me, before turning away and raising her hand to put her CP, lest the TA catch her talking to me. But why was there Yikes? Took me a while to rewind and realize she had punched me in the shoulder. In waking moments, everything happens in slow-motion and reverse-direction. Resentment spread into every inch of my body and threatened to squirt venom through each nerve ending. I realized (very slowly) that violence was not the way out. But I was not clever enough not to look at the professor again.

CHAPTER O (because this is not a chapter)

I was voted the zzz.. Globe of section B (meaning the smartest person in the section because he/she doesn't waste time sleeping in the room or listening in the class). In my defense, I happen to be sitting at the centroid of the class; whenever I wake up, I see so many people sleeping. Poor smart people, I get all the credit.

CHAPTER O (because this is also not a chapter)

".. is called Comparative Advantage. Because Ricardo can be compared to a green plumaged bird flying over the blue seas... Yikes!"

I did a sanity check on my sanity. The Ishira glare was boring into me. I easily resisted the urge to punch her back. I turned to Karan and woke him up. And tried taking notes.

CHAPTER O (this is a lesson)

Today's class was special. We practiced Supply Chain Management even while the professor tried teaching it to us. Karan would tap on my chair. I open my eyes and see him looking at Ishira. I punch Ishira in her shoulder. This is called Bullwhip effect. Sometimes, Ishira would wake me up instead. This is Pull (opposite of the usual Push). We sometimes look at other people sleeping and laugh. This is Kaizen.

I apologize for the jargon. Couldn't reign in my enthusiasm after having learnt the practical aspects of the course so well.

CHAPTER O (well, you know...)

It's amazing the kinds of things men can get used to (courtesy Arundhati Roy). I opened my eyes and saw BP laughing at me. I smiled back at him and looked around. I was surprised at the absence of the resentment. I woke Ishira up to keep her from snoring. Meanwhile, the professor woke somebody else. The somebody else was lucky that day for a change.


The battle rages within me, day in and day out - to sleep or not to sleep. And of course, when to sleep. Until I find the strength in me to make that decision, I need to find it in me to accept it when people wish me Good night before a class and Good morning after.

For those not in sec B, Ishira sits to my right, Karan to my left and BP sits (and sleeps) across the class. Thank you Ishira and Karan, for trying to keep me up in classes :-)